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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My dream came true. Literally. I really dreamt about this a few nights ago.

my awesome papa gave this to me:

this has been sitting in a lonely, cluttered corner of my house without my knowledge until yesterday. I think I had the longest string of happy-vulgarities in my head after he gave it to me.

I've always wanted to get an SLR. but I'll kinda cringe at the fact that I have to get them second-hand. BUT THIS IS FROM MY OWN DAD.


the world is good again.



this morning when I woke up and looked in the mirror, I almost fell over when I saw that I somehow managed to have a butch/ah beng hairstyle like so:

so after quite a bit of flat-ironing and usage of bobby-pins, I managed to look girlier:

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah. just wanted to share this bit of useless information.

0 yaks: