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Thursday, March 27, 2008


if i had a dollar for everytime i blogged about her...


please tell me how it can be so unfair that someone looks like that.

no, really.

Monday, March 24, 2008

And no one knows

the things that go on in my head.

who'll understand? sometimes i don't either.

must be school. stress makes me crazy.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hello, Sunday

oh look, i blogged 2 days in a row!

anyway you know they say that everything happens for a reason? yes i am a firm believer of that. recent events have made me realise that i'm really grateful to be Alvin's girlfriend. no it's not as serious as it sounds. it's funny actually. if you ask me i'll tell you. haha!

so yes! Alvin Tham Yong Yao, you make me a happy girl.

i havent had an entire entry dedicated to you in a long time, so yayyyyyyyy.

me love you long time.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

It is Saturday

i was thinking to myself - oh okay i'll blog.

and er, i kinda don't have anything to say now.

on a incredibly random note, Freddy Mercury is a fantastic singer.

long live Queen!

oh and today's weather made me experience what it's like to drive under Niagra Falls.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


if you're feeling down, please take my advice and go dance around in your room to Elvis Presley - Rubberneckin'


Wednesday, March 19, 2008


driving alone is pretty unnerving, i must say.

i started driving to school myself on monday. it's wednesday now and ok the first half of the week went fairly alright. haha. with the exception of almost hitting a little girl (not my fault) and almost hitting a black SUV this morning (also not my fault).

but goodbye public transport; goodbye squeezing with about 3/4 of singapore's population on the commute. though having good road sense is a thoroughly different thing. a concept lost on me. i bought a street directory for my car yesterday but it'll really be for the people who might be with me in the car. cos i cant read maps. and if i could, i'd probably still get lost. maybe i should get one of those GPS things.

driving aside, ugh, school's been too crazy lately. exams, qizzes, projects, presentations, quizzes, quizzes...

and you know what i really hate?

presentations. and i have one tmr. in front of a considerably huge class.

i cannot speak confidently to save my life. words fall out of my brain and my tongue goes whack. i should really work on that since i am effectively a communications undergrad. gargh, bovine manure.

ok dad's back with dinner.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Mr. Blue Sky

yes there was sunshine today! hurray for the happy skaters.

and today had an amazingly divine sky. i have never seen anything like this:

no way.


you know, i really love rain; but it has a knack for foiling plans. so boohoo, skating had to be done indoors today, which meant Kenneth + Alvin = Not very happy.

but action shots are fun. so i really didn't have much to complain about.

the pictures would've been better if the lighting wasn't so awful. but all in all, i like them pictures.

we'll see if tomorrow shines.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

kick flips and ollies

i have recently been exposed to a new culture and i think it's growing on me.

pictures soon, i promise. i didnt have my camera yesterday.

skating with (ok, not me skating. though Alvin suggested that i should take up skating for fun. i cant as much as balance on the board, babe) Kenneth and Alvin yesterday was, what's the word... cool? seems like an appropriate word to describe this sort of thing haha.

yesterday went swimmingly. i didnt get bored... considering i know about skating as well as paris hilton can sing (yes). though not everything about the day was about skating. we were all kinda pitting our knowledge about Family Guy quotes/episodes against each other. seriously it was pretty much a geek fest; but fun. at one point there were 4 people simultaneously doing Peter's 'tshhhhhht... ahhhhh.... tshhhhhht... ahhhhh...' when Alvin massaged his insanely sore knee in pain.





Wednesday, March 5, 2008


ever been so angry that tears spill from your eyes?

i haven't been so angry at a teacher in such a long time.


first you insult my intelligence by thinking i'll buy your amazingly fake accent. secondly, you called me stupid to my face. yes i live in a high-context society, welcome to Singapore, you freak.

who the devil do you think you are? i already said i was remorseful about the outcome, what more do you want from me?

"If you guys can't adapt to life here in SUNY Buffalo, you can just leave."


we have a problem with YOU AND YOU ALONE.

i sure as HELL am not going to feel apologetic for signing the damn petition because whether you like it or not, i am entitled to my opinions. and you THINK we would've let you off if you were white? who the hell ever said that?! WHO ever said that we would probably have been ok with you if you were WHITE? and you said we are the ones who took things out of context. just look at yourself.

suck it up man, think about why the petition was written in the first place.

to Joyce: You are my hero for saying that to her.

or heroin.

oh and the best thing - she must be thinking we cried cos we were sorry. to think that i CRIED in front of her. how am i going to forgive myself for that.

and at the end, she said the ultimate i'm-begging-you-to-give-me-the-hardest-slap-you-can-muster thing -

"Alright then... don't let this affect you ok? just let this pass, don't let this ruin your day."

are you really THAT unbelievably delusional to think that we looked disturbed because you made it so? did you really think we were crying cos you won or something? SHUT UP, JUST DO US ALL A GREAT FAVOUR AND SHUT UP.

f_ck this shit i'm off to study.

Monday, March 3, 2008






Saturday, March 1, 2008

--- -- ---

you know really baffles me?

how a supposedly "world-class" detention center can make such a mind-numbingly stupid mistake. great job guys, great job.

that's not even the scary part. what if it had been an inside job? if they don't get him soon we're pretty much screwed.

dammit, now because of you guys everyone's scared silly. seriously. thanks for putting the country under 'orange' alert.