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Saturday, December 29, 2007


greetings =) the yuletide season is upon us all and my holiday, as usual, was filled with warmth and fuzz. i think the ass-lot (i think it makes sense) number of pictures that follow testify.

and that's me drunk.

no, those are sparkling juices. my sister thought it'd be funny if i posed like that.

so best gifts this year were (not in order): the Guess bag up there ^ (my sweet aunty strikes 4D first price and buys me a Guess bag), this Lomography Actionsampler Flash camera that Alvin got me. I LOVE IT. and him. =) *kissyoulikesomanylikeyeah

and thank nature for space and all it's glorious wonder

oh and that reminds me; i give thanks to my wonderful DSLR that let me see the craters on the moon.


Happy Christmas, all!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


thinking about what to do with so much free time can be tiring. but then there are days when we go to Ikea and eat nice chicken leg. and get attracted to... uh, sexy bulbs.

apparently someone didn't get the OTHER message.

oh yah.

before, my hatred for Crocs was... how should i say this... absolute? i always thought they were the ugliest shit people could put on their feet.

until i got into these:

shut up, i think they are so cute. and if you put your feet in and can honestly tell me that you've worn more comfortable shoes, God will smite you for lying.

so to the people who stared VERY hard at my shoes, !@#$ YOU, THAT'S WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY SHOES!


Season's Greetings!

Friday, December 14, 2007


Singapore has really pretty images if you look closely. it's a shame i'm lazy to bring my DSLR everywhere i go. so it's my trusty 3meg phone camera to the reskew.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


you know what.

if you can, get your hands on the Victoria's Secret fashion show. this year's show is A-W-E-S-O-M-E. actually you MUST. cos channel 5 is probably gonna show it like next year.

on a random note -

people in Singapore should learn how to drive properly.

i.e. me.


i have been driving to school everyday for the whole week and i still have trouble remembering the route. today i almost made 2 wrong turns and that prompted my dad to go "AIYO GIRL!! your road sense ah..." in a VERY LOUD voice.

and no. 1 rule on the road: NEVER exclaim loudly when someone else is driving.

i think i need to get those GPS thingies installed in my car.

Saturday, December 1, 2007


this week has been... well like my title suggests. good side: i passed my TP test on wednesday and have been driving to and from town (which, btw, is freaky place to drive at night) and my parking is very slowly but surely improving. bad side though, would be that sinking feeling that has resided in the pit of my stomach... cos exams are next week. ok not NEXT WEEK... in 3 days.

i've pretty much covered majority of my work but it still feels like i didnt get anything in at all. you know you know? maybe cos this week has been pretty crazy. before wednesday was the WORST. i think i have anxiety issues. it really ruins me sometimes. hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. but actually not really that funny.

anyway i should hit the books. hopefully next week'll be better.