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Tuesday, December 18, 2007


thinking about what to do with so much free time can be tiring. but then there are days when we go to Ikea and eat nice chicken leg. and get attracted to... uh, sexy bulbs.

apparently someone didn't get the OTHER message.

oh yah.

before, my hatred for Crocs was... how should i say this... absolute? i always thought they were the ugliest shit people could put on their feet.

until i got into these:

shut up, i think they are so cute. and if you put your feet in and can honestly tell me that you've worn more comfortable shoes, God will smite you for lying.

so to the people who stared VERY hard at my shoes, !@#$ YOU, THAT'S WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY SHOES!


Season's Greetings!

0 yaks: