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Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I just have to say that I'm totally enthralled by Jack Johnson's music. he voice is like warm, melted butter with honey.

I don't think I've heard anyone sing with such sincerity.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Mom: You wanna buy the dog today?! you sure? you better buy just a small one ah!

Me: (freaks out like holy hell) REALLY I CAN BUY?! daddy said ok??

Mom: Yah he thought about it then said it'd be good for us to have a dog lah.


and then I woke up.

for those of you who know that I've been dying to get a dog, this is FML material.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Shutter addict

Diana F+ Edelweiss with Kodak Pro 160:

Kodak E100VS is the best film ever.


A new level of disgusting

This is officially the stupidest, most revolting song on radio at the moment.

"Imma step out of this lingerie,
curl up in a ball with something Hanes.
in bed I lay, with nothing but your T-shirt on.
oh, with nothing but your T-shirt on."

WTF is that?! this song literally makes me angry.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


If there's one person i'd love to sing like, it'd be Lea Salonga. she's the singing voice for a lot of disney characters; and quite frankly, i've never heard such a voice. I really don't think it's easy to sing sweetly when you have a powerhouse sorta voice. but she can!

so random right. but if you're as aimless as I am (i'm treasuring every moment of it because next week will be a mad school week) go check out her live performance of 'Colours of the Wind'. sheer brilliance.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Provia400 is the way to go.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sleep shots.

It's 1.15am and I wake a sleeping Alvin with a phone call:

Alvin: Hello...? um... yes, why...?
Me: Sorry I called you so late! was with my sister. So tmr 10am right?
Alvin: Hmm? Yeah. But can you give me a few more sleep shots?
Me: What? You want a few more sleep shots?
Alvin: hmmm? you don't get it? I want more sleep shots.
Me: I really don't understand. SLEEP SHOTS?
Alvin: Yeeeaah. So that I can take more pictures...

Alvin: umm...? okay I'll call you back in a few minutes okay?
Me: hahaha okay...? bye!

and it has been about half and hour. hahaha!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

In bad taste.

I'm sorry but this is REALLY ironic:


Monday, March 9, 2009


as of now (11.09pm, 9 Feb 2009), I have absolutely zero facebook emails in my inbox.


I cleared about 6 pages FULL of facebook emails, after typing 'facebook' in my email search box. so funny. I wonder how long my inbox will stay facebook-emailess. I'll be watching.

Friday, March 6, 2009


I love those days where you have absolutely nothing to do and you end up going for a drive somwehere. like today.

along the way, Alvin and I stumbled upon many nice places and took so many pictures. well most of them are in the Diana F+ so when I get them i'll post the good ones. but Singapore HAS lovely places, I don't care what people say. :)

Monday, March 2, 2009


I was surfing yahoo-y stuff as usual and came acoss this:

'Kelly Osbourne is apparently out of rehab. The 24-year-old shopped with her mother Sharon in Malibu on Thursday. Kelly entered the Hazelden Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Center in Oregon last month for undisclosed reasons.'

gee I wonder why.

urgh what a 'meh' day. except when Alvin and I fooled around with his new Diana F+ and I the good ol' Action Sampler.

shit I hate days like these.

oh I did see a rainbow. but a kid scared it off before I could take a picture.