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Wednesday, October 28, 2009


In light of recent American Pluralism class about Native American Indians, here's a spastic picture for you:

anyway, I wish there were things I could wear in Singapore without getting stared at. like boots and jeans. and I'd love to go out wearing a scarf around my head like that ok. the whole hippie, Indian look is cool. LOL.

I bought DOLLY magazine not knowing it was kinda nonsense. those 8 bucks I'll never see again. in my defense, Miranda Kerr was on the cover and it was wrapped up. you know what's inside? posters of the JONAS BROTHERS and some other gh3y looking boy band which I can only assume is an australian one. they did have a few pages of pretty clothes but that was about it.

hi I'm at home! on account of horrid cramps.

Sunday, October 25, 2009




five modules in one semester is too much for my small brain.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Probably too much for Twitter.

I think I tweet too much for my own good.

I'll channel my urges here. these are a few thoughts that came too close within each other (all fewer than a 140 characters, promise): -


I think it's cool that @fattyale is re-doing his room. Time to be all pretentiously artsy!

I think I'll watch a weepy movie tonight. But which? And I'd kill my tear ducts if I watched 'The Notebook' again.

I have a note in my hp calendar for the 18th of October that says 'MR. BIG!!'. It has an alarm. Like I'm going to forget?

Ok Popeye's, WAY BETTER than KFC, mucho gracias.

I have zero tolerance for people like you and you.

I showered with Dettol bodywash and used my Victoria's Secret vanilla and peony soap for my hands. Those two smells... do.... not... mix...

Friday, October 9, 2009

What is up with the weather?

It's been fricken cold for the past few days but today, when I got into my car I almost passed out from the heat. ok I'm not exaggerating, but I could see those little heat waves reflected on my car seats. Next time I'll take a video. So horrible.

And I think that's why I'm sick. It switches from hot to cold (like the Katy Perry song) like nobody's business here.

I am quite mad now. cos it's so hot. and because of other things that I really don't have the energy for typing now. wish me well. *sneeze.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Dear Ris Low,



Your immaturity is amazing. Also, you should try (I know it'll be really hard for you but at least TRY) to get it into your thick skull that nothing you do can possibly get people to forget that you STOLE MONEY, you freak.

The poor writer of the Sunday Times. Trying hard to conceal the scoff in his writing while attempting to be impartial. I feel for him.

No one really cares about the Miss World competition anyway, do they? So here's a suggestion - take your nauseating pageant smile along with your shit-English and fling your sorry ass off a cliff.
