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Saturday, June 6, 2009

9am Saturday.

I wonder how Jessia Biel feels. if my boyfriend made a video like that I'd probably kill him. then her.

things to do for monday:
1. Study for psy333 quiz
2. Study for COM249 quiz
3. Try to get through the longest day of the week.

the only thing that's gonna help is the fact that my camera will be ready to come home from the Camera Hospital on wednesday/thursday. a celebration will definitely be in order. I think I'll buy like a million rolls of film for the occasion.

on a totally random note, I think I've been wearing too much purple lately. I found a shade of dark purple eyeshadow that looks best on me (at least I think so) and as a result have been wearing purple a lot. but I like purple.

maybe it sucks on your computer screen. but for the record - becuase this is really so important that I inform you - I like a little grey and red in my purples. so it has that kinda oldish, ill-defined look to it but still pretty and not loud. you know like subtle but it still stands out...

time to head for breakfast.


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