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Monday, June 22, 2009


Monday started off sleepy and zombie-ish as I made my way to school. It wasn't only at like 1 plus did it start getting interesting.

we do so much gossipping in school it's amazing. not the kind that randomly target people, but the kind that 'people' deserve because 'people' suck so badly that 'people' have no friends now. you know? aiya, you know lah.

sigh. why must 'people' be like that? 'people' makes school so unpleasant for some people.

anyway, aside from all that nonsense, it was Rintamaki's and Stefanone's last day today. cue sad faces, thanks. more so for Rintamaki, cos he's an incredible person. sigh. professors like that don't come by very often.

we had pizzas in class just now, sort of a farewell thing. so much fun. but I think I had some funky pizza cos I have a tummy ache now. grr.

oh and I love these:


Dolce & Gabbana

sigh. I really wish I were rich.

that's three 'sighs' in a single entry.

0 yaks: