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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bottle Tree Park

my family decided to head to BTP for breakfast and some fooling around today. there's really nothing much to do there, except play pool and 'longkang fishing' for kids. which is something I REALLY don't condone. I think this whole idea of kids traipsing around in shallow man-made streams full of tiny fish, swinging their nets violently hoping to catch something in the cloudy water is cruel. sinful. pure cruelty. the poor fish. =( they'll either die of intense fear or they get killed by kids stomping on them. I can't take it.

oh and there was prawning too. although we didn't do that cos it costs $15/hour and it's really not that easy to catch prawns. but they do BBQ it for you after you're done.

I'm sure there're more things to do there but that was what we did. but it was so fun. I had fun! haha. I used 3 rolls of film in about 2 hours. I hope they turn out spankin'. I'll load a few when I get them developed, yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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