damn you to hell, PSY333. what a positively horrible module. a mood spoiler. I shall speak of it no more. for now.
I blew about 50 bucks at Spotlight today. my absent-mindedness led me to assume that what I was buying probably didn't cost very much, so I didn't bother to check the price. what a stupid girl. consolation: I had hours of fun crafting. LOL.
the rapid rise of H1N1 cases is really starting to freak me out. In school, I'm surrounded by 'clusters'. maju camp and clementi camp. people should be afraid and not believe that they're invincible. cos you're stupider than I was at Spotlight if you think you're safe. oh and my hand sanitizer is running low.
new half of Summer semester begins tmr. hoho.
and some people in school are really starting to annoy mePMSALERT.
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Monday, June 29, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Why you are made of awesome
A good boyfriend
1. Offers to drive you anywhere you want when he has the van.
2. Listens when you ask him to camwhore with your camera phone just so you can look at the album later for your own amusement.
3. Never EVER complains when you spend a gazillion years shopping in the same shop.
4. Pulls fat, funny faces to make you laugh.
5. Suggests you buy a dream-catcher to 'catch him' cos you often dream that he leaves you.
6. When you're PMS-y and lashing out at the world, he'd still hug you and suggest all kinds of things to cheer you up. even offering to buy you Lego.
have you found your own awesome human being? THEY ARE OUT THERE I'M POSITIVE!
just please don't take mine. =D
1. Offers to drive you anywhere you want when he has the van.
2. Listens when you ask him to camwhore with your camera phone just so you can look at the album later for your own amusement.
3. Never EVER complains when you spend a gazillion years shopping in the same shop.
4. Pulls fat, funny faces to make you laugh.
5. Suggests you buy a dream-catcher to 'catch him' cos you often dream that he leaves you.
6. When you're PMS-y and lashing out at the world, he'd still hug you and suggest all kinds of things to cheer you up. even offering to buy you Lego.
have you found your own awesome human being? THEY ARE OUT THERE I'M POSITIVE!
just please don't take mine. =D

Monday, June 22, 2009
Monday started off sleepy and zombie-ish as I made my way to school. It wasn't only at like 1 plus did it start getting interesting.
we do so much gossipping in school it's amazing. not the kind that randomly target people, but the kind that 'people' deserve because 'people' suck so badly that 'people' have no friends now. you know? aiya, you know lah.
sigh. why must 'people' be like that? 'people' makes school so unpleasant for some people.
anyway, aside from all that nonsense, it was Rintamaki's and Stefanone's last day today. cue sad faces, thanks. more so for Rintamaki, cos he's an incredible person. sigh. professors like that don't come by very often.
we had pizzas in class just now, sort of a farewell thing. so much fun. but I think I had some funky pizza cos I have a tummy ache now. grr.
oh and I love these:

Dolce & Gabbana

sigh. I really wish I were rich.
that's three 'sighs' in a single entry.
we do so much gossipping in school it's amazing. not the kind that randomly target people, but the kind that 'people' deserve because 'people' suck so badly that 'people' have no friends now. you know? aiya, you know lah.
sigh. why must 'people' be like that? 'people' makes school so unpleasant for some people.
anyway, aside from all that nonsense, it was Rintamaki's and Stefanone's last day today. cue sad faces, thanks. more so for Rintamaki, cos he's an incredible person. sigh. professors like that don't come by very often.
we had pizzas in class just now, sort of a farewell thing. so much fun. but I think I had some funky pizza cos I have a tummy ache now. grr.
oh and I love these:

Dolce & Gabbana

sigh. I really wish I were rich.
that's three 'sighs' in a single entry.
Monday, June 15, 2009
I think only my family and Alvin know the extent of my vanity.
but I will now help the rest of you understand it just a little more.
a few days ago I bought myself some clip-on hair extensions. why? cos I'm really really really vain. learnt anything today?

you see, I think girls are entitled to incredible amounts of vanity. because we are girls (but I have the inability to provide sound arguments). and let's face it. it's so fun. bags, shoes, make-up, fake hair - you get the idea.
oh and in my defence, my hair takes about the same amount of time to grow as living things take to fossilize.
sigh. I wish my real hair were like that.
but I will now help the rest of you understand it just a little more.
a few days ago I bought myself some clip-on hair extensions. why? cos I'm really really really vain. learnt anything today?

you see, I think girls are entitled to incredible amounts of vanity. because we are girls (but I have the inability to provide sound arguments). and let's face it. it's so fun. bags, shoes, make-up, fake hair - you get the idea.
oh and in my defence, my hair takes about the same amount of time to grow as living things take to fossilize.
sigh. I wish my real hair were like that.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Bottle Tree Park
my family decided to head to BTP for breakfast and some fooling around today. there's really nothing much to do there, except play pool and 'longkang fishing' for kids. which is something I REALLY don't condone. I think this whole idea of kids traipsing around in shallow man-made streams full of tiny fish, swinging their nets violently hoping to catch something in the cloudy water is cruel. sinful. pure cruelty. the poor fish. =( they'll either die of intense fear or they get killed by kids stomping on them. I can't take it.
oh and there was prawning too. although we didn't do that cos it costs $15/hour and it's really not that easy to catch prawns. but they do BBQ it for you after you're done.
I'm sure there're more things to do there but that was what we did. but it was so fun. I had fun! haha. I used 3 rolls of film in about 2 hours. I hope they turn out spankin'. I'll load a few when I get them developed, yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
oh and there was prawning too. although we didn't do that cos it costs $15/hour and it's really not that easy to catch prawns. but they do BBQ it for you after you're done.
I'm sure there're more things to do there but that was what we did. but it was so fun. I had fun! haha. I used 3 rolls of film in about 2 hours. I hope they turn out spankin'. I'll load a few when I get them developed, yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Friday, June 12, 2009
New old school
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
My professor made a good point yesterday
so Rintamaki's riding on the bus drifting off when he was violently awoken by the audacity of this Burger King ad:

this is suggestive in so many ways. this really shatters our oh-so 'conservative asian image'. first of all, she looks like a blowup doll. secondly, 'IT'LL BLOW' is pretty huge and don't even get me started on the elongated 'burger' on the right. and 'IT'? call me a crazy feminist or whatever but this is bordering on objectifying women. and the fine print at the bottom reads 'Fill your desire for something long, juicy...'.
MY GOD. the SHEER audacity. someone's gonna lodge a complain soon, I can hear it.
but I am kinda hungry now.

this is suggestive in so many ways. this really shatters our oh-so 'conservative asian image'. first of all, she looks like a blowup doll. secondly, 'IT'LL BLOW' is pretty huge and don't even get me started on the elongated 'burger' on the right. and 'IT'? call me a crazy feminist or whatever but this is bordering on objectifying women. and the fine print at the bottom reads 'Fill your desire for something long, juicy...'.
MY GOD. the SHEER audacity. someone's gonna lodge a complain soon, I can hear it.
but I am kinda hungry now.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
9am Saturday.
I wonder how Jessia Biel feels. if my boyfriend made a video like that I'd probably kill him. then her.
things to do for monday:
1. Study for psy333 quiz
2. Study for COM249 quiz
3. Try to get through the longest day of the week.
the only thing that's gonna help is the fact that my camera will be ready to come home from the Camera Hospital on wednesday/thursday. a celebration will definitely be in order. I think I'll buy like a million rolls of film for the occasion.
on a totally random note, I think I've been wearing too much purple lately. I found a shade of dark purple eyeshadow that looks best on me (at least I think so) and as a result have been wearing purple a lot. but I like purple.

maybe it sucks on your computer screen. but for the record - becuase this is really so important that I inform you - I like a little grey and red in my purples. so it has that kinda oldish, ill-defined look to it but still pretty and not loud. you know like subtle but it still stands out...
time to head for breakfast.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
My dream came true. Literally. I really dreamt about this a few nights ago.
my awesome papa gave this to me:
this has been sitting in a lonely, cluttered corner of my house without my knowledge until yesterday. I think I had the longest string of happy-vulgarities in my head after he gave it to me.
I've always wanted to get an SLR. but I'll kinda cringe at the fact that I have to get them second-hand. BUT THIS IS FROM MY OWN DAD.
the world is good again.
this morning when I woke up and looked in the mirror, I almost fell over when I saw that I somehow managed to have a butch/ah beng hairstyle like so:

so after quite a bit of flat-ironing and usage of bobby-pins, I managed to look girlier:

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah. just wanted to share this bit of useless information.
this has been sitting in a lonely, cluttered corner of my house without my knowledge until yesterday. I think I had the longest string of happy-vulgarities in my head after he gave it to me.
I've always wanted to get an SLR. but I'll kinda cringe at the fact that I have to get them second-hand. BUT THIS IS FROM MY OWN DAD.
the world is good again.
this morning when I woke up and looked in the mirror, I almost fell over when I saw that I somehow managed to have a butch/ah beng hairstyle like so:

so after quite a bit of flat-ironing and usage of bobby-pins, I managed to look girlier:

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah. just wanted to share this bit of useless information.
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