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Thursday, April 19, 2007

You are very mine.

^ don't you just feeling like slapping me.

It's has been difficult looking for someone who lugs your heavy bag and his all around town, follows you all the way down to SIM coutless number of times, scratches your leg if it's itchy, gives you random shiok massages, is willing to wait 3 hours for you in school, kisses your forehead every now and then, travels all the way from camp just to buy you lunch and then goes back, walks from Anthea's house to his just to fetch you your bottle of contact lense solution, carries you on piggy-back up and down the length of the pool 4 times just because you enjoy it, waits till you're safely in your house before letting you leave his sight, has cute dimples, and best of all, who can stand being around me everyday.

I'd be a fool not to treasure you.

1 yaks:

ale said...

I love you sweetheart. =)