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Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Alright, alright! my first tan in AGES. but it came with a price. i now have a headache from too much sun exposure. =( rawr. and i'm not even THAT tanned. eeyergh. *cheated

so anyhooo. i need to go down to TP tmr to find my CP and CM. *makes a face. they are gonna talk helluva lot. ok maybe not the CP but the CM. oh well he is a nice guy anyway, so no matter.

i'm gonna miss TP. its food. the TV lounge in the library. C129. well. with the exception of some people who'd think it'd be pretty funny to rat on me just because i blogged un-nice things about a certain class. oh come on, grow the HELL up, why don't you.

wow. i can literally feel my face getting red.

well enough about that.

oh on the news just now, they said astronomers found a new planet quite similar to ours. the discovery was 'earth shattering', as they called it. how exciting is that? in case you didnt know how much of a dork i am about astronomy, i'm gonna tell you VERY.

but you know what's exciting-er coming up on the news?

"Get ready as Potter mania hits the big screens!" *shows scenes from the movie.

OMG YAY. i felt my mouth fall open. i actually gaped at the TV. dammit, i know i have to stop being an idiot, but i love Potter. i'm gonna watch the news later.

and it's raining!


cosy night in bed




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