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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

All's going well.


I LOVE SIM and that intimidating ang moh who had the vacant-est of expressions throughout the entire interview. apparently displaying that you're desperate (alright not in a distasteful way OK) for the course appeals to Mr. Feli's-very-grateful-to-you-but-she-forgot-your-name.

suddenly EVERYTHING seems 10 times more delightful.

2. He got me a pressie. (omgspoiltbrat)
3. I think VS delivered my stuff already. (omgspoiltbrat)
4. I get to draw a design and have it wallpaper-ed in my room in my sister's new place.
5. My mom told me to go shopping for new clothes. haha!

hm. talking about being spoilt, i was watching 'My Super Sweet Sixteen' on mtv just now, and the girl should really deserved to be shot. i was suppressing the urge to chuck my remote at the tv when she started whining that her guest were not present for her GRAND entrance as a princess to her 'Fairytale' theme party from her dad's helicopter.

ok i wanna go and find something else to do already. having an abundance of time is such a chore sometimes.

oh, and one more thing.


0 yaks: