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Sunday, April 25, 2010


It's 1:58am.

I'd much rather spend the time studying for my econs exam on Monday but I find myself worrying about other things.

Do you believe that something can be the cause AND the solution?

I have changed. Whether or not for the worst, I don't know. But I'd like to know when, how and WHY I did.

I swear it's some quarter-life crisis thing.

While I know I shouldn't be so hard on myself, I really cannot discount the fact that I have been doing some things I'm not particularly proud of. The worst part? I don't see myself going back to how I used to be. There had to be a catalyst; I'm still looking for it. I have rounded up the usual suspects, of course: School, friends, the future and people in general.

But that's not nearly enough. Not by a long shot. If you think about it, these things affect people all the time. I should just get the hell over it. It has happened before and I got by just fine. Why not now?

How how HOW did I get so jaded.

The only consolation for the rest of the dark morning - the kueh lapis in the fridge. Yum. So bloody expensive, though.

3 more days till uni ends. It was 20 days when I last whined about it here. Weird thing, this 'time'. So definite and relative all at once.

Oh well. In true Obama fashion,

it's time for a change.

0 yaks: