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Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Hi, world! I know this really annoying girl who always shows up at the dog farm and looks at me through my little glass panel with an expression that suggests she might break down or combust if she doesn't hold me soon.

But it's quite alright actually. she might talk to me in an equally annoying voice but at least she cuddles me and rubs me. and I like that she's really nice to me.

she likes to take a lot of pictures though. and the tiny flash of her camera phone kinda brings out that nasty blue in my eyes. I don't like that a whole lot but I know she can't switch that off and she doesn't know why. she's quite mad about that. I don't blame her.

I do hope she takes me home soon. I may be a Jack Russell Terrier but I'm not as crazy as the rest. Look! I can be a lap dog!

I really want her to take me home. :(

0 yaks: