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Saturday, April 11, 2009

=) =(

It's official. I'll be moving to Kovan Residences in about 2 years' time.

the name sounds gramatically wrong and for those of you who know my OCD's been on the rise, you'll know that I really can't stand for it.

Unit #02-14. A House of Love, my family affectionally calls it. see the affiliation?

but... I don't wanna move. I hate leaving my comfort zone and for 17 years, Sunshine Terrace has been mine. how I am going to tide over it I have no idea.

although I'll unwillingly admit that the layout of the condo is so pretty and I actually like it. there's a 'spa terrace' and a lovely function room. they have a huge-ass pool and nice walkways. and the best part of it all - my mom told me I can keep a dog when we move there. the first thing I did was to check if I was awake. and I was. then I asked her a million times if she was serious and she said 'I promise'.

I guess my dog is what is gonna help me tide over the move. haha. as of this moment, I have decided to name my imaginary dog Roxy. or Phoenix. when I buy it in 2 year's time I'll tell you guys again.

but I cant help but tear at the fact that I'll be leaving so much behind. it's gonna be a major milestone for me. I don't mean to get all dramamama but 17 is not a small number.

sigh-y matters aside,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALVIN! your rockxorz my sockxorz. I hope your birthday was a great one! =D

0 yaks: