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Friday, July 27, 2007

Opened dam.

i am one emotional person. either that or i just have an unusually large amount of tear ducts. but here's a great piece of advice. crying releases ill emotions. so don't hold back when you know you know you've got some boo-hoos in you.

so i missed school today on account of my damn flu. i knew that if i went, the insanely strong air-cons in school would turn my nose into a running tap. i decided not to take that chance.

jeez i dunno why i bothered to start blogging anyway, since i don't really have the mood for it.

anyway, ending on an ambiguous note, sometimes bad things have to happen in order for you to do a little soul searching. the past 3 days have been a little turbulent but it shook everything into perspective, so to speak. and i am grateful for YOU - you, who held your composure, and making me appreciate you more than ever.

0 yaks: