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Saturday, July 14, 2007


yesterday's English class was thought provoking. well, at least for ONE case.

we were supposed to do an oral presentation about our cause and effect essay, and my group had the topic 'Something you did that you're not proud of'. in my opinion, we had the most 'soul baring' topic. as reluctant as i was to talk about my story, i was forced to, as this was being graded.

my group members talked about their own past experiences with most grief and regret. but one particular group mate of mine really touched me with her story. to stand up in front of a big class of poeple and talk about something personal is one thing. but it is another thing altogether, to stand up in front of a class of people braving their judging stares, to talk about your abortion.

as we all watched her dam her tears and figit about uncomfortably, i couldnt help but marvel at how incredibly brave this girl is. to face up to a mistake takes a hell lot of effort. but i feel that, having the utmost courage to admit it to an entire class of people you barely know, gives you closure.

i look up to that amazing girl.

0 yaks: