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Friday, July 20, 2007

It's NOT a Friday!!

everytime i have an english lesson, i'll always come home with a tale of some sort to tell. haha. ESL class today was, as Will defined it, NC16. actually i thought it was leaning a little into M18. damn, the things we talk about in class. i must say that this is one enjoyable class. one prominent reason why school's fun.

and thanks for the riddde today, Germy! your Subaru smells awesome. HAHA. and you have to stop being so kan-chiong. it scares the shit out me. haha. more on-the-way ridez for Zoyce and i to Cremetee, yayz. =D

oh and other than the 2 incidents mentioned above, my day SUCKED.

it was very chilly, i was hungry, i was SO SLEEPY and i f@#ked (when i curse like that it means i'm REALLY PISSED) up my test. these particular combination of factors are not to be compromised really.

but dad's dinner made my day. it was just noodles actually. but the soup was eggy x2, soft veggy, lots of onion rings, and ikea meatballs on the side. =D it REALLY made me happy. =D

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