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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

On the back of a hurricane.

i've been having sudden bouts of gastric attacks and it's so uncomfortable it's not funny. (when is gastric ever funny? i think i have acid in my brain) anyone who knows any home remedies to relieve me of this ordeal please share! =(

and my orientation's tmr, zomgx. i'm REALLY anxious of the people there. oh god bless me with good people. bless me with good people.

i'm currently hooked onto The Killers' When You Were Young. rahrah. goood song. go listen!

you know whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. i'm running out of places to go in Singapore. HELP, omg. though. it's funny i waited until the last day of my holidays to lament about this. someone help me laugh, please.

i had a funny dream last night. i dreamt that my dad was having a tiff with this caucasian guy. whom, now coming to think of it, was Irish. so he got my little cousin to throw beer at my dad's car and later he himself threw a glass of beer that smashed into the side window. (???) i remember being the mediator, though failing tremendously.

yah. fun right. like WHY would my little cousin be drinking with a bunch of Irish guys? god, i'd be SORRY if that we to really happen.

*maximizes iTunes window and presses the space bar. 'When you were young' plays for the 3rd time in a row.

i'm off to get ready. meeting darling in an hour! yes i'm sorry i DO take that long to get ready.


P.S. Audrey, Isaac, it was fun yesterday! thanks for the meal and the lift, Isaac. =)

0 yaks: