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Friday, May 18, 2007



good god, i miss typing here.

so what's up recently. well, darling and i have this obsession with the Rubik's Cube. it actually started with me wanting a small 2x2x2. then baby said he wanted to try the Rubik's 3x3x3. and after a mere 2 days, he solved it. you're a freak. but i like it. *)

i havent even solved mine and he's doing patterns.

he solved it like 476336472456478328991759347 times over and i didnt even get close. well. i AM getting better. hoho. but still, it's all too much for my small mind to comprehend. i'll take it slowly.

and i love school so far. well it could do better without some bimbos, but they're any time better than ah lians. i think. i might take that back so dont count on it. but if i DO take that back, it doesnt mean that the ah lians are BETTER either. it's just that one's the lesser of two evils.

week 2 has concluded and i think i made major blunders on the quizes. i forgot what pathos/logos/mnemonics are and i forgot the sharp in my ascending G scale. *SHOCK. but nono i shall not degrade myself, for i'll have plenty of time to redeem myself. go, BAC.

and the best lesson's English. and praise the Lord, my teacher's Indian. they're the next best thing to English people. she's sarcastically funny, my favourite kind of humour. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

i've got my FTT tmr. (yes, i havent passed it, OK) *ahhh... FREAK OUT! (you know the song)

oh and.

my multi-talented wonder.

0 yaks: