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Wednesday, November 24, 2010


A friend told me something really obvious the other day:

"One way to avoid disappointment is to manage your expectations."

So ok if it's so obvious why didn't I see it? It seems to me that I am never fully contented with anything; I am somehow able to find fault in everything. To be fair, nothing is perfect yes we all know that. But I am too easily manipulated by the bad I see in things. That is my problem.

It's tiring to always be on the cusp of a slippery-slope argument with myself. More often than not I lose my footing and I spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiral towards that pit of poisonous thoughts. Serious. Very unhealthy. It's like I'm always waiting for things to screw up. Oh wait. I think that's what being a pessimist means.

I miss having school to keep me occupied all the time.

0 yaks: