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Thursday, November 11, 2010


Everyone knows this but it's damn difficult to admit you are wrong about something. Especially when someone puts you in your place. Suddenly you run of of excuses. Like me now.

So this is it. No more snide remarks from me about that anymore because I'm disassociating myself with it and all its mumbo jumbo. You were right. Time to stop being childish.

Ok so that's that. Moving on to other things.

Like how people are apparently quite disinterested in my resume. HAHA DIE, SIA.

Can one of you just call me please. I need and want a job so badly. My sanity and trip to New York is at stake here. Also, I want to buy pretty things which are not paid for by daddy (I used "daddy" to sound as spoiled as I feel).

I LOVE THE YEAR-END WEATHER. The weather is inversely proportionate to my mood. The darker the better.


0 yaks: