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Saturday, August 21, 2010


Blogging streak.

I need to start sleeping a bit early. Of course I'm talking out of my ass again but it makes me feel slightly better when I put it down in black and white.

So I downloaded a couple of movies and 2/3 happened to be Nicholas Sparks' movies. Sian. Sad overload. I wanted happier chick flicks. No one likes to admit it but everyone loves a good romantic comedy come onnnnnnnnn.

Did I mention I often get my revelations while showering? Must be something about the wet confined space. After the latest epiphany, I find myself happier than I've been in a while. I cannot tahan the fact that I was oblivious to something so simple for so long. But dammit. This is good news for me. I feel stupider now than before actually but  heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Nothing better than making progress.

Machiam motivational poster I know. I'm saturated with cliches suddenly. Can't explain it.

Hi, I just came back from lunch. Yummeh mee siam. Can't wait for the coming week :)

0 yaks: