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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I wish I had bullet-proof feet.

Recently, I find myself getting into a lot of 'trouble', as my title suggests.

Sometimes you say or do things to people you wish you hadn't. And it's not what you think it is.

But what's the use in regret? It's a wasted emotion. Does nothing for your heart or your head, except maybe bring you a few nerve degenerations closer to dementia.

My days all bleed into each other. The only way I know it's the weekend is when I see both my parents at home together. I don't even watch TV anymore because 3-digit channels are a bitch. The internet has been my really good friend.

I wake up every morning thinking what the hell I'm doing with my life. Today was especially bad. You know that feeling of being forced to wake up from a bad sleep?

Good morning.

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