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Saturday, May 22, 2010

And I feel


People all around me have either found jobs or are actively looking for one. As you can see, I'd much rather blog. Let's hope this attitude doesn't last too long. I wanna earn ma own keep, yo.

Did I mention I'm on an idefinite holiday?

Shoulder and back have been aching more so than ever. Infuriating. I wake up eary morning feeling like (is the Ke$ha song playing in your head yet?) I've been rolled over by Optimus Prime. My upper back hurts until I tell myself to lie flat and stay still. The initial hardcore pain ebbs away leaving a dull one. Happens every morning. I'm ALMOST used to it.

And can someone explain to me why people have been saying that the new Glee episodes are bad? I very much enjoyed myself. Maybe it's the old songs.

Haha I just realised that my blog entries are like a combination of extended tweets compiled into one post.


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