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Sunday, November 30, 2008


you know how sometimes when you listen to a particular song, it makes you feel a certain way; like you feel exactly how you felt when you first heard it, or like you remember exactly what the situation was when you first fell in love with it?

sometimes i do get these bouts of nostalgia and i just get transported back in time to a place where i felt the most connected to a song. this overwhelming feeling just washes over me and time stops for a while. it's a pleasant feeling and i like it.

i know i sound a little crazy right now (and a little cheesy in a moment, watch for it) but i suddenly had this revelation about how music is really the food of MY soul. yes i know Shakespeare intended it to be the food of love but 'soul' kinda sums up many things, doesnt it?

and since we're on crazy things, i realised yesterday at a war exhibition that the whole concept about 'going to war for peace' is complete and utter bullshit. if only other people realised that. some call it 'manifest destiny' or whatever but you know what. you dont NEED bullshit terms like these to justify war cos it's just, very simply, STUPID.

I find it funny that both cause and effect stem from the same source - humans. we complain about things that WE have created.

it's a vicious cycle and i think it's time for bed. cos with each line, i'm sounding more and more like a drunk person. good night world.

0 yaks: