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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Entry of many things

exams are in 2 days and what a sinking feeling it brings. i'm dreading the 5 essay qns that I need to attempt for sociology. 11 chaps. oh god.

but i guess i'll just have to adopt the 'xian ku hou tian' principle since i'm flying off to Hokkaido a day after my exams. so it's a =D for that.

i was supposed to paint my luggage but some people just have problems returning other people their belongings. i am very sore about the fact that i offered my fabric paints to someone who needed them for the UB pageant but now refuses to return them. just because you got first runner up and are pretty doesnt mean you can steal my very expensive paints. bloody get over yourself and please pass them to kevin.

utterly sickening.

moving on to non-repulsive things, I am currently in a fix cos i dunno what to do for my 21st birthday. I was thinking of a chalet. but i dunno where. or if there'll even be vacancy cos i was thinking of booking it on Valentine's day. not intentionally. just that it's a good weekend date. oh and everyone i love is invited. haha. *flips hair

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