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Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Emperor

after school outing today was fun. as usual. with insane people (like coughsarahcough) things are bound to be cool.

anyway the car ride to town was happening. had an insanely good laugh and i think i was smacking the wheel and slightly swerving.

after being ripped off (slightly) buying the -blank- thing at the -blank- place for fatboy tham, we sat down at macs for a budget meal. we talked about religion, evolution (my personal favourite) and uh, some other stuff. hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

the car ride back was fun too, even though we were missing 2 people. sarah and will provided good company. and with sarah, it's always fun to sing loudly. imagine 3 people screaming (not singing actually) michael jackson songs.

and on the way home, i mounted the curb. BAD. i've been driving for quite a while now and for me to mount a curb now is hell EMBARRASSING.

EMBARRASSING. there were a few cars there.

and then i started getting paranoid and had a mini panic attack, imagining that i hit someone. i'm always afraid i'd do that. i think if you hit someone you'd know right? actually you know what, i REALLY dont wanna be faced with that kinda problem. EVER. so i dont wanna know.

i hear random 'tick... tick...'s in my room. please. dont let it be a beetle or anything with an exoskeleton. i hope it's just my stuff contracting in the cool aircon air.

cool aircon air. haha so funny. cool aircon air.

0 yaks: