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Monday, July 14, 2008

Charles Darwin

you know, i find it very difficult to believe that creationism is a valid theory.

having said that, i must say that however, i have a immense respect for God.

nonetheless, i feel that there are evidences everywhere to support the theory of evolution, while evidences to support creationism are absent. and everytime i express that, i cannot help but start to imagine that there is a wise, albeit old looking man bearing down at me from above. i always imagine him to be a white person, i have no idea why.

so Charles Darwin remains my ultimate hero - One that made sense of life on Earth, and how his theory of natural selection gave birth to the understanding of how the diversification of species is possible. he believes that all species come from a common ancestry - and so do i. what other perfectly logical explanation is there?

i'm sure you wanted to know all of that.

but you know what. if it's possible to have a future in studying evolutionary psychology or perhaps even paleontology in singapore, i'd definitely do it.

and please. dont get me started on cosmology. cos i will go on and on and on and on about it. actually, in a way, they link. both fields explore our place on Earth and the beginning of time. i dunno why i'm so interested in these stuff.

but i am. very much.

dont you ever wonder about your existence? are you ever enthralled by the richness of life and how it all started?

i can only dream.

0 yaks: