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Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Night Safari

although my parade got rained on, i enjoyed myself A LOT!

pictures are a little sucky cos my camera sucks. or maybe it's me that sucks.


sorry for the fuzziness.

over-exposed lena.

yay snake. free pictures! i like char cos she gets us free stuff at the Night Safari.

i swear the owl was looking down lena's top.

un-named nocturnal animal.

i realised we dont have a group shot. rah. okay i want to go back again.

thanks again char =D

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


i just had this crazy revelation.

i would love to have a gay friend.

first of all, they are really tidy people (i'm stereotyping here but you know they are!). second of all, they can be your girlfriend (think of all the shopping. plus, you get honest guy-opinions) AND be your guide to what guys generally want.

and the best part - because they like men, you can be sure to have a perfectly platonic relationship with them. this'll be really good for girls who have insecure boyfriends.

did i just formulate an awesome plan or what?

i should audition people like paris hilton and her BFF show.

oh and if i happen to offend anyone (be it about the gay stuff or the fact that i am SO CORNY), i dunno if i should apologise since it's 3.03am. not much works up there in me noggin' as it is, let alone at this hour.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Dark Knight

do yourself a favour and watch The Dark Knight.

i feel so so sad knowing that such an absolutely fantastic actor like Heath Ledger is gone. and it's not because he's passed that i think that he's an extraordinary actor and a better joker than Jack Nicholson and all that stuff. i always thought that whoever can act like that in Brokeback Mountain, can act virtually any role.

he was so convincing as a psychopath in The Dark Knight with the licking of his lips and his demented laughter.

oh and he made 10 Things I Hate About You one of my favourite chick flicks.

look at the versatility:

"You wanna know where I got these scars?"

hands down, best joker ever.

RIP, Heath.


I am a nature lover:

he is a nature lover:


are just fools in love.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Emperor

after school outing today was fun. as usual. with insane people (like coughsarahcough) things are bound to be cool.

anyway the car ride to town was happening. had an insanely good laugh and i think i was smacking the wheel and slightly swerving.

after being ripped off (slightly) buying the -blank- thing at the -blank- place for fatboy tham, we sat down at macs for a budget meal. we talked about religion, evolution (my personal favourite) and uh, some other stuff. hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

the car ride back was fun too, even though we were missing 2 people. sarah and will provided good company. and with sarah, it's always fun to sing loudly. imagine 3 people screaming (not singing actually) michael jackson songs.

and on the way home, i mounted the curb. BAD. i've been driving for quite a while now and for me to mount a curb now is hell EMBARRASSING.

EMBARRASSING. there were a few cars there.

and then i started getting paranoid and had a mini panic attack, imagining that i hit someone. i'm always afraid i'd do that. i think if you hit someone you'd know right? actually you know what, i REALLY dont wanna be faced with that kinda problem. EVER. so i dont wanna know.

i hear random 'tick... tick...'s in my room. please. dont let it be a beetle or anything with an exoskeleton. i hope it's just my stuff contracting in the cool aircon air.

cool aircon air. haha so funny. cool aircon air.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Food for thought

what if you one day, you found out something about someone and it totally changed your impression of them? what would you do knowing you can't tell them but it's eating you inside? could you be wrong? or are they at fault?

oh and today. i learned not to judge a certain kind of people anymore. i wont say what kind of people cos i'll get into trouble for it. haha. but they are a certain group. a certain more-often-than-not annoying group. but something i saw today made me change my perception of them. so there. haha

i'm feeling weird.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Charles Darwin

you know, i find it very difficult to believe that creationism is a valid theory.

having said that, i must say that however, i have a immense respect for God.

nonetheless, i feel that there are evidences everywhere to support the theory of evolution, while evidences to support creationism are absent. and everytime i express that, i cannot help but start to imagine that there is a wise, albeit old looking man bearing down at me from above. i always imagine him to be a white person, i have no idea why.

so Charles Darwin remains my ultimate hero - One that made sense of life on Earth, and how his theory of natural selection gave birth to the understanding of how the diversification of species is possible. he believes that all species come from a common ancestry - and so do i. what other perfectly logical explanation is there?

i'm sure you wanted to know all of that.

but you know what. if it's possible to have a future in studying evolutionary psychology or perhaps even paleontology in singapore, i'd definitely do it.

and please. dont get me started on cosmology. cos i will go on and on and on and on about it. actually, in a way, they link. both fields explore our place on Earth and the beginning of time. i dunno why i'm so interested in these stuff.

but i am. very much.

dont you ever wonder about your existence? are you ever enthralled by the richness of life and how it all started?

i can only dream.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


counting yesterday and today, i've watched a total of about 3 hours of David Attenborough on youtube. yes, youtube. they have a whole bunch of partner videos from BBC and it's delightful. cos i love attenborough.

and nature is made of awesome - complete and utter awesomeness.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


in a perfect world, the clouds'd be pink and the sky a deep turquoise.


they'll always be dark skies ahead and the world'll never run out of problems.

so what do you do...

you find beauty in the simplest of things.

cos without dark skies that bring about rain, the world would be a sad, ominous void.


dont you think my post is a little reminiscent of those chain emails? the annoying ones that tell you everything'll be alright and the whole world loves each other thing.

but hey. i had a revelation after taking the pictures. and i felt that it warranted post number 170.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


i fell in love with this pair of extra-hi top Converse shoes. so i bought it. and i'm mighty happy about it.

i know i know.

but i love them. it's great cos i'm always cold. haha

Man rips head from Hitler wax figure

BERLIN (Reuters) - A man tore the head from a controversial waxwork figure of Adolf Hitler on the opening day of Berlin's Madame Tussauds museum Saturday, police said.

Just minutes after the museum opened, the 41-year-old German man pushed aside two security men guarding the figure before ripping off the head in protest at the exhibit, a police spokesman said. The police were alerted and arrested the man.

The waxwork figure of a glum-looking Adolf Hitler in a mock bunker during the last days of his life was criticized as being in bad taste. A media preview of the new branch of Madame Tussauds Thursday was overshadowed by a row over the exhibit.

Critics said it was inappropriate to display the Nazi dictator, who started World War Two and ordered the extermination of Europe's Jews, in a museum alongside celebrities, pop stars, world statesmen and sporting heroes.

Dressed in a grey suit, the figure of Hitler gazed downwards with a despondent stare, his arm outstretched on a large wooden table with a map of Europe on the wall of his gloomy bunker.
About 25 workers spent about four months on the waxwork, using more than 2,000 pictures and pieces of archive material and also guided by a model of the "Fuehrer" in the London branch of Madame Tussauds where he is standing upright.

It is illegal in Germany to show Nazi symbols and art glorifying Hitler and the exhibit was cordoned off to stop visitors posing with him.


so, if it's illegal to circulate Nazi material, why even put the wax figure up?? you are BEGGING ignorant young punks to do crazy shit around Hitler. i was there a couple of years back and thank god that Hitler wasn't up there or i would've tore off his head too. and i'm not even German.


can someone please convince me that i look better with short hair. cos i am very, VERY extremely tempted to get hair extensions, even though i know it's prerrty stupid since it's expensive and someone else's hair.

but still... i miss my long hair very very very much. =(

a very insecure person like me needs to hide behind long hair.

Saturday, July 5, 2008



Thursday, July 3, 2008


thursday is the new friday, thanks to my pretty laxed schedule in school. and because of that, i'm like so:

buttt... it'll still be a mad rush cos we've to finish 2 modules in 3 weeks. so that's really not cool.

oh anyone heard the new Rihanna song?

is it even possible to come up with lyrics that stupid?

"You look so dumb right now
Standing outside my house
Trying to apologize
You’re so ugly when you cry
Please, just cut it out

Grab your clothes and get gone
You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on
Talkin’ about, girl, I love you, you’re the one
This just looks like the re-run
Please, what else is on"

HAHAHAHAHA best part's gotta be the 'sprinklers' and the 're-run; what else is on'. i didn't even realise it was so ridiculous until i actually looked up the lyrics to paste here. haaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

so funny.