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Friday, June 29, 2007

What we've done.

ok i should stop wasting paper. after seeing how the world is dying, i've decided to stop my post-it madness. i was being everything that is wrong with people nowadays. you know, with the 'i dont give a shit about global warming' attitude. (emo alert ah, i tell you first)

after reading and simultaneously learning from the book 'The Planets', i had a startling revelation. our solar system wouldn't have put in that much effort to create Earth and make it habitable for us all if it knew that Man'll eventually evolve into beasts. documentaries on National Geographic glorifying the production of nuclear weapons sickens me. war is thriving. thousands are dying worthlessly and it doesnt seem like anyone gives a damn.

i believe that global warming is nature's way of giving us a dire warning that we have to stop. slowly the ice caps are melting and threatening to devour many continents. that punishment was brought upon ourselves - how we greedily took everything the Earth had to offer and never bothered about the consequences if we went overboard. serves us right that mother nature is furious now.

you know what. i really think Linkin Park is trash, but i have to say that the only credible thing that they have EVER done is this video:

has anyone ever wondered why we were all put here?

0 yaks: