well i occupied my afternoon with the painting of my new shoes and the doing up of my poster for music class. i feel tired.
Mid-terms are looming! daunting, really. it feels really different in the U. suddenly you're REALLY on your own. believe it or not but i'm not drawing in class so much anymore. haha. and i have to get a 2.5 GPA or i'll have a chance of being chucked out. =/ that was my condition when they took me in.
mmm, GSS is great with the exception of just one thing. the throngs of people. they should just go home and stay there. but that'll actually mean that the GSS has failed to do its job. haaaa.
i was just watching the news about the war in Iraq, and i think people should seriously stop fighting. such a waste of time. and people are dying because of it. it doesnt make any sense.

world peace, people, come on!
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