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Thursday, January 4, 2007

It's RAINING! =)

It's thursday and this school's week has ended for me. YAY. no school tmr and baby's on leave. gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

i've been wearing glasses to school. what started out as a change-of-style move evolved into a result of sheer laziness. Apparently, i now think putting on my contacts takes too much effort. i guess it's good actually. my reasons are threefold: 1, it's good to rest your eyes once in a while. 2, when i sleep in lectures my eyes won't be so dry when i get up. 3, i've never really worn this new pair of glasses (except that they're really made of plastic) ever since i had them made.

and you won't believe this, but i just got full on a big-ass banana. (i probably should put those 3 words on the same line) you know how they're so filling as it is. i think that was lunch since i havent eaten anything since about 11.

while waiting for my dad to come pick me just now i saw hady mirza. he's in TP for some alumni shit and they were taking his pictures in front of the school near the car pick-up point. he looks better in person than on tv really.

i'll be 19 in about a month. it's weird cos i'll feel like i'm neither here nor there. but i'm happy cos... well, it's my birthday.

ok i'm gonna wash face. YAY got no contact lense to take out MaNxZzZxXx~!

0 yaks: