My laptop died. It died on me!
what did i ever do to you? i gave you a nice tiger-mouse, i bought a cooling plate with 2 fans for you so that you'll always feel comfortable, i clean your screen, i put you in a nice cushion-y bag when we travel and you break down on meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
(and chicken porridge and compass point perked me up a bit.)
i'm using my sister's desktop now and it feels funny. it's not MINE. don't have my wallpaper, don't have all my files and pictures, don't have my Mozilla Firefox that can tell weather... =(
please someone pray that they can salvage my hard disk? oh you know what's funny. i'm in IT and i have ABSOLUTELY NO SMIDGEN OF CLUE (say this a few times and it sounds so funny) what the hell is wrong with my PC.
i'm so bored. (lena, anthea and char go 'HI, SO BORED!' here.)
i went to photoshop my sister's picture with her doing some freakishly weird pose and set it as her desktop.
i have been having a spate of bad luck recently. firstly on friday morning, when i was about to leave the house for Alvin's, it started pouring.' so i waited for it to lighten up a little to leave. as i was walking down the escalator, i slipped and fell. my entire right leg spasmed a little because it was THAT painful. actually i was more worried about being embarrassed than having something bad happen to my back area.
so i reached Alvin's place at 8.30 instead of 7.30. i spent the rest of the morning doing my project and was still not done when i had to leave for school.
ok and i get to school. i dashed to the photocopying shop to print my web design proposal. AND THEN i very intelligently printed the entire thing without colour and ended up paying TWICE the amount.
then i get to class and
chiong-ed the remaining part of my project, all the time feeling like i could scream bloody murder. and my laptop was already showing signs of breaking. you know how it is with all the pressure. haha. i had to go down to the photocopying shop again cos i forgot to print something (like wtf right), and obtained a huge-ass cut on my elbow from my friend's plastic folder.
then! (no, i'm not done)
when i had to submit the beta version of my website, i realised i saved the html code in the wrong folder. that will mean that my page will f***up if i switched folders. so i had to load 3 entire folders of pictures and whatnots togther with my html code up on the server. >at this point, there's probably a VERY high chance you all won't know what i'm talking about. but it was a big problem lah.
so with my ass hurting, my elbow sporting a jagged-y cut and my laptop being extremely unstable, i had to stay in school for the parent-teacher thing.
i think i should shut up now or i'm gonna hyperventilate.