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Sunday, September 14, 2008


Alvin got owned by the queensway skatepark today.

i got a call from kenneth that fatty fell and smacked his head on the floor and couldn't remember shit. 'hello felicia, alvin fell and hit his head and is suffering from a bit of amnesia right now. can you just talk to him?'

i spent the entire afternoon freaking out very very very badly. kenneth was kind enough to take alvin to the hospital, where he started remembering what day it was.

they did a scan and it turns out that he had a concussion. but other than that he's fine. they have to keep him there for a 12-hr observation though. so i brought him my DS and ipod touch. oh and a mooncake. haha in a paperbag with a green handle with a rose tied there. :)

it was scary when he didnt remember where his parents were and if he had school tmr. (for a list of things that alvin could not remember, click 'kenneth' to you right) fatty please DON'T do that to me again.

oh but his mom confiscated his board so i think he should be quite injury-free for a while. haha

and ken, thanks for taking care of alvin. i appreciate it. and sorry if i half-yelled at you to bring him to the doctor's but i was crazy-worried. i so sound like his mom now but what the heck, just THANKS a million.

0 yaks: