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Sunday, September 28, 2008


ok that's enough excitement for the night.

i went to watch Mama Mia for the second time and enjoyed it just as much as the first. maybe even better this time. haha it's always fun watching this kinda show with family where everyone grew up with Abba.

after that we decided to drive past the F1 track to see if we were lucky enough to see anything. and i got a video of a red car. it's either the honda or the ferrari. let's hope it's the latter haha. we were INSANELY excited in the car.

we heard the F1 cars from so far away; and it kinda blew our eardrums when we were right beside the track. that is some sexy loud noise. oh goddd the adrenaline was fantastic. we were quite mad in the car, paul, my sister, cousin and i.

the after effects of so much adrenaline? i am feeling quite 'sehhh' now. and a shower is in order.

0 yaks: