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Saturday, May 24, 2008


NOHHH WAAYYYYYYYYY i saw this car on the road today and i freaked out. ask alvin.

mazda makes the sexiest cars. and i'm not just saying that cos i drive one but it's true. they make the SEXIEST cars with them headlights.

and this is a monster car. one crazy, hot monster car.

2 yaks:

Swift said...

nissan GTR: 321,000 SGD

mazdas drink petrol like i do at happy hour.... do what sam and i do, drive at 2 RPM all they way, saves boatloads of petrol... ppl may get pissed off at you and tailgate you, but your tank will last another 100km more... or around there....

Swift said...

sorry realised it was the mazda, which is 60k.....

but still, drive at 2RPM....