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Wednesday, January 23, 2008


i only have one thing to say.



to everyone who has read Harry Potter, she's the Dolores Umbridge of the muggle world. she has that SAME annoying high-pitched laughter and that SAME phony sweetness about her, just like JK Rowling describes in the books. i only wish centaurs would take her away so that i wont have to hire a hit man.

when a student merely suggests that a teacher put up the lesson's powerpoint slides after each lesson, you, as a respectable teacher or rather human being, do not reply him with a 'first of all, i don't want students telling me what to do.'

no seriously. she and her stupid fake, putting-'R's-in-words-that-don't-require-them-so-that-she-can-slurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-them American accent should find a new dictionary that properly defines what a 'communications scholar' is. cos the one that she has probably just tells her to narrate from her slides in class and to digress with painful anecdotes that only she finds funny.

and as if she's trying to show everyone how American she is, she can go on AND ON about American politics and how Obama should win cos Hilary Clinton is 'like olllld neewwssss...'. she even questions this American guy in class just to see how much he knows about what's going on. she SAID it her damn self. and the way she wears her hair... oh help. she twists her fringe in this god-awful coif and secures it with a big clip at the top of her head and puts her short frizzy hair in a ponytail at the side of her head.

the hate for her is rapidly diffusing through the BAC cohort and i think everyone's having fun dissing her really. i know i do. although we hate her classes, 'at least we can bitch about her', in the words of Barney. haha.

and ONE MORE TIME she calls me 'Felicierrr'...

(and yeah, i removed the 'Disclaimer'. i just realise that i dont need one)

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