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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Trouble in Paradise.

this past year or so have been a real rollercoaster ride. the ups and downs were really extreme and it has been really hard to retain composure.

everything that has been going on vary from very-happy moments, to very i-wanna-tear-my-heart-out moments. i found someone whom i love and am very happy to be with, got liberated from IT, got into the course that i wanted in SIM, my auntie passing away, my sister getting a new house and moving out soon, my other auntie being diagnosed with breast cancer, failing my driving practical yesterday and other unfortunate things that i dont even want to begin talking about.

just the other night, i saw a meteor. yes, i was in Singapore and no, i was not hallucinating. i dont know how many other people saw it but i reckon it was some sort of a sign. i mean how often to you take glances at the night sky. and i saw it in a gap in between buildings. it streaked it's pink/white colour across the sky for about a second and then extinguished itself.

i was so ready to believe that it was a 'good luck shooting star' when i saw it. people say it can go either way, see. ha, i dont think it was now.

0 yaks: