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Monday, March 5, 2007

Koolengrish Club

Alvin and i are in the Koolengrish Club.

feli/ Passion and Warfare. says:
Ale - Assets/Liabilities. says:
Ale - Assets/Liabilities. says:
you are rightz
feli/ Passion and Warfare. says:
broggingz akchuallee
Ale - Assets/Liabilities. says:
Ale - Assets/Liabilities. says:
Ale - Assets/Liabilities. says:
you brog fynicheeed treels me

we are such k3w| people.

and me has three customers asked me to painted they're shoes! horidae allraedy. my horidae gob!

oh and i'm applying for SIM, Bachelor of Arts in Communication. screw you, IT.

i went down there today to enquire. apparently my chances are good cos i meet the requirement. one step closer.



Ale - Assets/Liabilities. says:
alvin is stupid
feli/ Passion and Warfare. says:
Ale - Assets/Liabilities. says:
he took his house phone and tried to insert a samsung charger.

0 yaks: