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Thursday, March 1, 2007


you know, i realise i'm only capable of blogging very trivial stuff. very "air-head" things. oh well but what do you expect anyway. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

so i just got a call from a close friend and she told me rather interesting things about her day. girl, think wisely. the 29th of march is not nearly as far away as you think. =)

and hooray, for i'm getting my guitar some time within the week. after going back and forth with a multitude of guitar makes, i've finally settled on the JEM Jr. i got a great 700 buck deal. it's original price is 900. *punchestheair!

and another hooray, for i have the VS fashion show 2005! geezus, i'm obsessed. and baby ordered a VS swimsuit that i wanted over the net. *kissyou. =) which is hilarious cos i don't wear bikinis. ok well i do, but normally, i wear them UNDER a lycra spag top to go swim. but it's not like abnormally i wear them on their own anyway, so what i'm talking about, i really don't know. the exams are over and i don't have any sense left.

wah my room very stuffy. but i might get hypothermia if i switched on the fan or aircon. so let's wait a little while more.

wanna hear something familiar?

SCHOOL SUCKS. i wanna get out of the hell-hole but currently, i've got no where in mind to go. IT has robbed my tiny brain of the ability to appreciate learning. i really don't give a flying fart in space about how encapsulation or de-encapsulation works, how to choose between cables if you want to set up a LAN or how polymorphism can be of great help in your JA-f***ing-VA program. i think i'm gonna spend my holidays taking supp papers. watch me.

ok i'm getting a smidge giddy from the lack of ventilation.

1 yaks:

Unknown said...

SO CUTE! VS SWIMSUIT. haha good for you (: