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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Selling my thoughts for a penny.

I wonder what I'm doing with my life.

Cliche, yes. But it's what I think about everyday.

If you asked me to assign a number to the level of enthusiasm I have in looking for a job, I'd say about -6. It's not like no one at home is pushing me to get a job. Not like I don't have the urge to earn my own keep. It's just that... I'm lazy. Largely unmotivated. But you know what I think the main reason is?

I'm afraid. Afraid of that world out there. It keeps you slogging from morning till night and from seeing the people you love. Afraid of not being good enough. I like where I am. At home. The best comfort-zone.

Spoilt brat.

I hope my kids don't turn out like me. Cannot drive car for one day complain like f***.

I'm still in that quarter-life crisis phase, if you haven't already noticed.


I'm generally happy, really. Just that I always have that deep, dark hole to climb into whenever I feel that it's time to feel sorry for myself.

Happy overall, sure. But I still miss a lot of things.

0 yaks: