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Saturday, October 18, 2008

October's Saturday

first of all, happy birthday lena! =)

last night was fun. we should do that more. i miss the times when we used to do nothing but this - sit and talk for hours and hours and hours about what is was like in school and who's a bitch and who's not. haha. i think we spent the majority of the night laughing at sze who was high on 1/4 cup of choya. no wait. she was high even before she drank. just being at the alcohol section of cold storage was enough.

it's amazing i'm up so early blogging about this considering we went home at about 1 and by the time i hit the sack it was 4. but my new goal is not to wake up in the afternoons on weekends anymore. cos it feels like you've slept the entire day away already and it's a really really lousy feeling.

i want to shopping but i dont wanna spend money and i hate window shopping.

0 yaks: