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Monday, June 30, 2008


every morning, i'll ALWAYS find some reason to be late. even when i'm early. i think i have a problem. and i think it's called vanity. i am very rarely fully satisfied with the way i look before i leave the house. what a girl.

COM231 professor is freaky. he's... eratic. funny, makes a ton of jokes but... oh so eratic. he scolded me for talking in class today. then germy and tingting. HAHA what the hell man, the last time that happened i was in secondary school. and we weren't even talking today, dammit! but ok, i was giggling mildly at something; and i guess to an uptight teacher, it's absolutely intolerable. but i still like his class though. better than COM240's yan can cook-esque teacher... today's COM240 class felt like the longest 2hrs ever.

my stomach just lurched, thanks to a rather substandard dinner.

0 yaks: