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Monday, June 30, 2008


every morning, i'll ALWAYS find some reason to be late. even when i'm early. i think i have a problem. and i think it's called vanity. i am very rarely fully satisfied with the way i look before i leave the house. what a girl.

COM231 professor is freaky. he's... eratic. funny, makes a ton of jokes but... oh so eratic. he scolded me for talking in class today. then germy and tingting. HAHA what the hell man, the last time that happened i was in secondary school. and we weren't even talking today, dammit! but ok, i was giggling mildly at something; and i guess to an uptight teacher, it's absolutely intolerable. but i still like his class though. better than COM240's yan can cook-esque teacher... today's COM240 class felt like the longest 2hrs ever.

my stomach just lurched, thanks to a rather substandard dinner.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


my saturday comprised 3 parts:

1. Lunch at Ikea with the FCC. then shopping at Queensway and Vivo. shopping is evil. my future daughter will do well not to follow in my footsteps.
2. Dinner at Taka with my sister and paul.
3. NIGHT SAFARI. HA. we were feeling crazy. but that's really an understatement.

ok next sem is tmr.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


i woke up today feeling and looking like hell. i scared myself when i looked into the mirror, no joke. maaan what happened to me? i NEED to sleep more.

exams are tmr and friday and i'm still in bed. great. i hate it when i have no motivation to do anything.

dont you sometimes wish you can get the best of both worlds? maybe only hannah montana... but hell yeah the world would be a better place.


i need to make low-grade lunch now.

then study... =(

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I am absolutely and completely head-over-heels in love with this advertisement.

Monday, June 16, 2008

high on ale.

ale - circular squares says (8:36 PM):
hey phat.

you're cute with a dimple/gaping hole on your face.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

My chapped lips.

o my chapped lips,
dry as woodchips
My heart takes a dip
Everytime I open my mouth to speak
I hate arrogant rich geeks
Just like I hate the taste of leeks
O my chapped lips

Germy Wermy loves to K.I.S.S.. (Keep It Simple, Silly..) Eyes set like flint.. Count my blessings every day! says (12:00 AM):
blog it!!!
Germy Wermy loves to K.I.S.S.. (Keep It Simple, Silly..) Eyes set like flint.. Count my blessings every day! says (12:00 AM):
Germy Wermy loves to K.I.S.S.. (Keep It Simple, Silly..) Eyes set like flint.. Count my blessings every day! says (12:01 AM):
another collaboration brought to you by the best poem writing duo ever and will ever walk the face of this blessed earth, Fluddy and Germy
Germy Wermy loves to K.I.S.S.. (Keep It Simple, Silly..) Eyes set like flint.. Count my blessings every day! says (12:01 AM):
F&G Pte Ltd


my partner in crime. haha

and i DO have insanely chapped lips. and i am very angry about it.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Get your freak on.

Wed Jun 11, 10:12 AM ET

ROME (Reuters) - An Italian couple who were caught having sex in a church confessional box while morning Mass was being said have repented and made peace with the local bishop.

The couple, in their early 30s, were detained by police earlier this month after they had made love in the confessional box in the cathedral in northern Cesena. They were cautioned for obscene acts in public and disturbing a religious function.

Their lawyer said they had been drinking all night and realized they had gone too far.
The lawyer told the area's local newspaper on Wednesday the couple met with the local bishop on Tuesday night, asked for his forgiveness and that he had given it.

Last week the bishop celebrated a "Mass of reparation" in the cathedral where the confessional box incident took place to make up for the sacrilege.



Tuesday, June 10, 2008


it's raining heavily now and i'm PSYCHED cos it's the perfect weather for sleeping. i love the sound of rain it helps me sleep.

there's this guy in school that is incredibly self-centered and deserves an ass-kicking. reminiscent of my previous post yeah, but actually this is a different guy. why am i always around gits like that? this one is forever trying to remind me that he is rich and owns fast cars.

whatever, you know, really. whatever.

peanuts i think it stopped raining. i jinxed it... =(

tmr is wednesday which meeeeeeaaannnnnssss... 3 days to a wedding lunch (like WHUT~~, i know) and a fathers' day bbq at my aunts. this year we're doing it a little differently. instead of getting a cake we'll bake cupcakes and ice them so that they spell out 'happy father's day'. HAHA! so funnn.

it's currently 6 o'clock in my room when it's supposed to be 11.50pm. i cant believe i dont have a single AA battery in my house.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


i think my sister, if she had one, would've put a gun to my head and asked me to join Facebook. but i did anyway. she wants me to play some game with her. WHAT GAME?! and am still trying to figure out what in the blue hell is going on there.

apparently you can do things to people (cyberlly) and write in their walls (also cyberlly). this is strange. but i'll try to get on board.

today is thursday. that means it's a sickening-timing school day. school starts at 3 and ends at 5. it's now 1pm and i need to get dressed cos lunch is at 1.45. and yes, i do take that long to get ready. mainly because my cupboard is ball of clothes inside and it takes me forever to pick something out. grr.

on the bright side, i love the weather.

Monday, June 2, 2008


forget the previous post cos i dont wanna waste anyone's time further. haha. i already got scolded by germy. i spent like half the afternoon trying to solve it. i got pretty mad. so i went to youtube for some SOS and then realized i've been attempting a LIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for so many hourrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsssssssssssssssssssssssss.

i dont wanna talk about it.

someone in school is really full of him/herself and i feel like kicking his/her ass because he/she really deserves it. he/she hasnt really done anything to me but it's just the things he/she says and does. it's like he/she's begging to be punched.

i am starrrrrvvvvvvvvvvvvvved.