ever been so angry that tears spill from your eyes?
i haven't been so angry at a teacher in such a long time.
first you insult my intelligence by thinking i'll buy your amazingly fake accent. secondly, you called me stupid to my face. yes i live in a high-context society, welcome to Singapore, you freak.
who the devil do you think you are? i already said i was remorseful about the outcome, what more do you want from me?
"If you guys can't adapt to life here in SUNY Buffalo, you can just leave."
we have a problem with YOU AND YOU ALONE.
i sure as HELL am not going to feel apologetic for signing the damn petition because whether you like it or not, i am entitled to
my opinions. and you THINK we would've let you off if you were white? who the hell ever said that?! WHO ever said that we would probably have been ok with you if you were WHITE? and you said we are the ones who took things out of context. just look at yourself.
suck it up man, think about
why the petition was written in the first place.
to Joyce: You are my hero for saying that to her.or heroin.
oh and the best thing - she must be thinking we cried cos we were sorry. to think that i CRIED in front of her. how am i going to forgive myself for that.
and at the end, she said the ultimate i'm-begging-you-to-give-me-the-hardest-slap-you-can-muster thing -
"Alright then... don't let this affect you ok? just let this pass, don't let this ruin your day."
are you really THAT unbelievably delusional to think that we looked disturbed because you made it so? did you really think we were crying cos you won or something? SHUT UP, JUST DO US ALL A GREAT FAVOUR AND SHUT UP.
f_ck this shit i'm off to study.