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Tuesday, August 21, 2007


i am pretty inconsistent with blogging. well cos i'm lazy, what other reason is there.

anyway, my read-ahead-of-class plan started today. i still have a week till school commences, but i figured i better start now or i'll never get to it. besides, i have my 'motivation generator'. seeing Alvin study flips a switch on in me. study dates might just work.

and Fall semester's books are ASS-HEAVY. good lord, what are they doing to us? and i've got some computer science module that has some programming shit. can i EVER run away from that? it's becoming like a freaking recurring nightmare. ok but no. nothing's worse than studying for a diploma in IT. pure IT, is pure shit. wow, hate for IT revisited! this is fun.

on an entirely different note, are the clothes out there getting bigger or am i shrinking? god, i tried on an XS skirt today and it slipped a mile off my hips. it's really depressing.

on the bright side, i took advantage of germy's knowledge on how to put on weight. so yes, thanks for the tips denim boy, i hope it works. not to get FAT lah, but well, to fill out clothes properly.

ok so i'm gonna watch One Tree Hill now. god i'm such a junkie.

0 yaks: