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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Cats and dogs.

my feet almost drowned today. damn the rain was coming down hard! but Fish and Co. lunch made up for the soggy day.

my driving test'll be on 21st September and i doubt i'll pass it. why? cos my last lesson is tonight. i cant book anymore. CDC has too many damn students.

anyway, i'm gonna cat-nap.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


i am pretty inconsistent with blogging. well cos i'm lazy, what other reason is there.

anyway, my read-ahead-of-class plan started today. i still have a week till school commences, but i figured i better start now or i'll never get to it. besides, i have my 'motivation generator'. seeing Alvin study flips a switch on in me. study dates might just work.

and Fall semester's books are ASS-HEAVY. good lord, what are they doing to us? and i've got some computer science module that has some programming shit. can i EVER run away from that? it's becoming like a freaking recurring nightmare. ok but no. nothing's worse than studying for a diploma in IT. pure IT, is pure shit. wow, hate for IT revisited! this is fun.

on an entirely different note, are the clothes out there getting bigger or am i shrinking? god, i tried on an XS skirt today and it slipped a mile off my hips. it's really depressing.

on the bright side, i took advantage of germy's knowledge on how to put on weight. so yes, thanks for the tips denim boy, i hope it works. not to get FAT lah, but well, to fill out clothes properly.

ok so i'm gonna watch One Tree Hill now. god i'm such a junkie.

Friday, August 17, 2007

And today.

grr. the holidays are a little mundane, and a little part of me is actually urging to go back to school. it's always like that, isn't it. when you're working your ass off at school, you crave the holidays. and when you have had enough, you wanna go back. and then it starts again.

i'm gonna outdo myself this semester. well, not laughing and drawing on tables so much in class with my partner in crime (you know who you are) anymore will be a start. read ahead. and actually DO IT this time.

anyway it's getting late.

so yeah.

Friday, August 10, 2007

He is GOD.

the new Vai CD is insane beyond insanity. Z.O.M.G. no i am not exaggerating. he collaborates with an orchestra and. well. i cant find a word good enough. no word can justify just how good the album is.

and he's touring the US:

just in case you didn't know, i'm a Univ. at Buffalo student. but in SIM.

you know the so near yet so-many-thousand-freaking-miles far thing? yeah ok.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


we got bored at my sister's place just now so we decided to do something unforgivably lame.


my sister's expression is priceless.

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Meet Tiger.

he is Alvin and Felicia's cat. he's 'Tiger' cos of the prints on his front legs and head. although he likes to follow strangers sometimes and only hangs around the void deck opposite my house and does not respond to the name Tiger, he still rubs himself/herself (haven't really checked, you know) on Alvin's legs, weaving in and out between his ankles. he makes this cute gagging noise to replace 'meows' sometimes and has lovely luminous eyes.


Wednesday, August 1, 2007