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Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy CNY!

i've been coming back pretty late these 2 nights and am quite tired. but i collected A LOT of money cos of birthday+CNY so i'm not really complaining. =)

my aunty in front started this 'act-cute' thing.

like how FREAKING cute is she, zomgomgomgshcdjgec$#%^$rut3w!@$YEByuc3. her daddy's Australian. that dude behind, if you can see him.

Her name's Leir. (or Leih. lae-yer) She's my 3rd Uncle's grand daughter. just look at my spastic expression lah. i couldn't contain my love for her cutesiness.

and this is chu yi! =)

1 yaks:

Chris said...

I love CNY, eat, sleep, play, and gamble. LOL
Happy CNY, Gong Xi Fa Cai